Year 2 Issue 6


We can all agree that the Swift’s String type APIs are not as powerful as we’d like them to be. This library extends String extending it with a rich set of methods, there’s one from every need, from trimmed() to latinize().


A framework abstracting network connection and result parsing into a straightforward API:

let request: APIRequest<Issue,MyAppError> = tron.request(path: "latest")
request.performWithSuccess( { issue in
  // ...
}, failure: { error in
  // ...

TRON will get you started in no time when working with server exposing RESTful APIs, is built on top of the solid Alamofire and SwiftyJSON, it supports plugins and request stubbing for tests purposes.


If you are using Functional Reactive Programming with RxSwift you’ll like library. RxOptional extends Optional providing operators that can be used with Observables containing it, like filterNil(), replaceNilWitl(), errorOnNil(), and more. There is also an Occupiable protocol for types like Array and Dictionary that provides similar operators but in the empty form, like filterEmpty().


Blackfish is an HTTP web server that aims to be insanely fast, and ports the style of Node.js famous Express web server to Swift. The README states that the project is still a work in progress, but you might want to have a look at it nevertheless. I am really excited by all these projects being shared that try to push the language in directions other than app development, it is a great way to see what Swift is capable of.


This library is a wrapper around Core Data providing APIs to simplify common operations such as initialising stacks, the CRUDs operations and JSON serialization. It also provides supports four extra xcdatamodel attributes, and optional console logging. You can write code like:

Dandy.fetchObjectsForEntity("Dandy") {
    // Respond to save completion.


An Instagram-like ready to use UIImagePickerController replacement.

Fusuma demo


This open source app for the Yep chat platform, a “community where geniuses meet” (🤔❓) is quite interesting as it uses a ton of third party libraries. You should have a look at its Podfile to see if you have any in common and have a look at how they are using them, you’ll probably find inspiration.


The LinkedIn team is always innovating and sharing great open source code. This new library for testing the behaviour of your views when configured with different data and under different screen resolutions. The library can also perform some automatic tests, such as no subviews overlap, all subviews contained within superview, and even some accessibility sanity checks. More info here.

I have mixed feelings on the actual value of testing view components, but I’m definitely interested to see where this library will go and what the community will do with it now that it has been open sourced.


This UITableVIewCell subclass reveals more content when tapped with a delightful unfold animation:

FoldingCell Demo

Be warned though, such niceness requires quite a lot of configuration.

Other Interesting Projects