#47 - Preferred Fuzzy Twigs


This library by “full-time open-sourcerer” Sinder Sorhus promises to let yo add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes.

screenshot of a preferences window built with this library

“Just pass in some view controllers and this package will take care of the rest.”


Markdown and it’s GitHub Flavoured extension are my favourite way to write text. I’ve been writing this publication in .md files from the very first issue.

Twig by Luka Kerr is a very promising Markdown editor app for macOS, and what’s even better: it’s open source.


A community driven collection of more than 500 Swift extensions to get more out of the standard library, Foundation, UIKit, AppKit, and other Apple frameworks.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend installing the whole package, but I’m sure looking at the source you’ll find something useful and inspiring.


A coverage-guided engine for Swift packages that works with typed values instead of raw binary buffers”.

In other words, given a test function (Input) -> Bool, it tries to find values of Input that will trigger edge cases in your code, and does it in a performant way.

Author Loïc Lecrenier warns that the project is not ready for production yet. It would be great to see where this tool can go to help with automated testing and finding bugs.

Other interesting projects

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