
As software developers we can build programs that consume and understand huge amount of data, values, and numbers. As humans on the other hand, we can hardly hold 7 information in our memory at the same time, and making sense of large data sets in the form of tables or lists is almost impossible.

This is why we have charts. Charts help us visualise data and make sense out of it.

Drawing charts in mobile and desktop applications is not an easy task, but lucky for us there are a number of libraries that can help a lot. Today’s library is one of those.

ios-charts by Daniel Cohen Gindi offers a wide range of charts, and a structured way to build them.

ios-charts is actually inspired by MPAndroidChart, a chart library for Android, and it is a great example of how we can learn from the experience of other communities, and share innovation for the greater good.

Let’s see how to draw useful and beautiful graphs using ios-charts.

Bar charts

Looking through the code sample and the documentation trying to understand how ios-charts can be a bit daunting, there are a lot of options, and describing graphs is not an easy task per se.

The very first thing you need when building a chart is a data set.

For example let’s imagine we are building and app that shows the orders of different types of pizza’s for a pizzeria, and we want to use a bar chart, or histogram.

On the x axis we’ll have the type of pizzas, and on the y axis the sold quantities. This way each bar will represent a pizza, and we will have a visual representation of the best and worst selling ones.

This is how our data set might look like:

let pizzaSales = [
    PizzaSale(pizzaName: "Quattro Stagioni", soldQuantity: 60),
    PizzaSale(pizzaName: "Capricciosa", soldQuantity: 50),
    PizzaSale(pizzaName: "Margherita", soldQuantity: 80),
    PizzaSale(pizzaName: "Pepperoni", soldQuantity: 60),
    PizzaSale(pizzaName: "Marinara", soldQuantity: 30),

The data for the x and y axes can be generated like this

let xValues = pizzaSales.enumerate().map { index, element in
    return element.pizzaName

let yValues = pizzaSales.enumerate().map { index, element in
    return BarChartDataEntry(value: Double(element.soldQuantity), xIndex: index)

The next thing you need to do is create a BarChartData object combining the values for x and y:

let dataSet = BarChartDataSet(yVals: yValues, label: "Pizzas Sales")
let data = BarChartData(xVals: xValues, dataSet: dataSet)

This is all you need to configure a basic bar chart.

The final step is to pass the BarChartData object to a BarChartView to be rendered.

let chartView = BarChartView(frame: view.frame) = data

And here’s our chart 😊🍕:

ios-charts bar chart demo

Actually, to have one as nice as mine, you will have to configure some of the objects a bit more. You can have a look at the full sample for this tutorial to find out how.

Pie charts

When Antonio, the pizzeria owner and head pizzaiolo saw the histogram he told you “Mamma mia! I want a pizza graph not a spaghetti one”.

Let’s change it into a pie chart.

chartView = PieChartView(frame: view.frame)

let xValues = pizzaSales.enumerate().map { index, element in
    return element.pizzaName

let yValues = pizzaSales.enumerate().map { index, element in
    return ChartDataEntry(value: Double(element.soldQuantity), xIndex: index)

let dataSet = PieChartDataSet(yVals: yValues, label: "Pizza Sales")

let data = PieChartData(xVals: xValues, dataSet: dataSet) = data

As you can see the difference is minimal. You need to use a PieChartView, which expects a PieChartData configuration, which can be bulit using a PieChartDataSet, made up of ChartDataEntry objects.

ios-charts pie chart demo

Next Steps

ios-charts is probably one of the most dense libraries that we have seen so far. There are many configurations and chart types you can use, but the basic principles are the same as what we just saw.

Head over to the project’s repo on GitHub to see a list of all possible charts. You can also take a look at APIs documentation, although it is still under development.

If you want some simple working code to experiment with feel free to clone the example project for this tutorial.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow with a library that will help you test networking asynchronous code. Subscribe to the email list to avoid missing out.

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